Yorkshire Durham Geometry Day 2021



https://durhamuniversity.zoom.us/j/98440068589?pwd=bnhPVTBDWndMRC9YZDRBMHRucjFaZz09 Meeting ID 984 4006 8589 Passcode 669758


A Yorkshire and Durham Geometry Day will take place on Wednesday December 8, 2021 (virtually) in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Durham University.

Zoom information

You can access the meeting here: https://durhamuniversity.zoom.us/j/98440068589?pwd=bnhPVTBDWndMRC9YZDRBMHRucjFaZz09

Meeting ID: 984 4006 8589

Passcode: 669758

Yorkshire and Durham Geometry Days are jointly organised by the Universities of Durham, Leeds and York, and occur at a frequency of three meetings per year. Financial support is provided by the London Mathematical Society through a Scheme 3 grant, currently administered by the University of York. Additional support is provided by the Department of Mathematics, Durham University.

The local organizers are:

John Bolton, Fernando Galaz-García, & Wilhelm Klingenberg, Durham University

Derek Harland & Gerasim Kokarev, University of Leeds

Ian McIntosh & Chris Wood, University of York

Recordings of past Yorkshire Durham Geometry Days are available at Durham's Department of Mathematical Sciences YouTube Playlist.

