Dec 14 – 15, 2023
Centre for Particle Theory
Europe/London timezone

Quantized Supertwistors and Division Algebras

Not scheduled
Centre for Particle Theory

Centre for Particle Theory

Department of Physics Durham University South Road Durham DH1 3LE
Long Talk (20 mins)


Vatsalya Vaibhav (University of Edinburgh)


I will give a brief description of N=4 Superconformal algebra followed by its emergence from quantization of the N=4 supertwistors space. I will further describe the algebra of the split-octonions and the octonions and highlight their emergence from the quantized supertwistor space. Towards the end of my talk I will describe the emergence of the Standard Model symmetry groups and fermions from split-octonions and octonions and motivate this emergence as coming from a super-Penrose transform on supertwistors space.

Are you happy for your talk to be recorded? Yes
Please select the most relevant category SUSY
Other category: Mathematical physics, very little to do with SUSY really.
Would you be interested in receiving feedback on your presentation? Yes

Primary author

Vatsalya Vaibhav (University of Edinburgh)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.