14–15 Dec 2023
Centre for Particle Theory
Europe/London timezone

A Flavour of Grand Unified Composite Higgs

15 Dec 2023, 11:00
Ph30 (Centre for Particle Theory)


Centre for Particle Theory


Matthew Starbuck (University of Sussex)


Composite Higgs models present an elegant solution to the naturalness issue associated with the Higgs mass. Furthermore, due to the supposition of new physics at the TeV scale, the flavour physics associated with these models must be non-generic in order to pass tight experimental constraints. This talk presents research into extending a composite Higgs model based off an $SO\left(11\right) / SO\left(10\right)$ global symmetry breaking pattern, to include all three generations of fermions in a manner that is consistent with observation.

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Primary author

Matthew Starbuck (University of Sussex)

Presentation materials