Dec 14 – 15, 2023
Centre for Particle Theory
Europe/London timezone

Homotopy Double copy of Noncommutative Gauge theories

Not scheduled
Centre for Particle Theory

Centre for Particle Theory

Department of Physics Durham University South Road Durham DH1 3LE
Long Talk (20 mins)


Guillaume Trojani (Heriot-Watt university)


Based on recent work in, we discuss the double copy formulation of Moyal–Weyl type noncommutative gauge theories from the homotopy algebraic perspective of factorisations of $L_\infty$-algebras.
Within this framework, we show that noncommutative gauge theories exhibit a twisted form of colour-kinematics duality, which we use to show that their double copies match with the commutative case. Understanding the double copy relations as the low energy limit of a modified Kawai–Lewellen–Tye relation in string theory validates our argument.
We illustrate this explicitly for Chern–Simons theory.
In the interest of time we do not detail the calculation for Yang-Mills theory, but nevertheless the argument carries over and matches with the interpretation of non-commutative Yang-Mills as a low energy limit of open string theory in a background B field.
Time permitting we will discuss using our formalism to view known deformation of integrable theories as double copies themselves.

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Primary author

Guillaume Trojani (Heriot-Watt university)

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