14–15 Dec 2023
Centre for Particle Theory
Europe/London timezone

Addressing cosmological tensions with scalar fields

Not scheduled
Centre for Particle Theory

Centre for Particle Theory

Department of Physics Durham University South Road Durham DH1 3LE
Gong Show Talk (5 mins)


Gaspard Poulot (University of Sheffield)


In this talk I present an interactive two-scalar field model inspired by hybrid inflation. The two scalars provide a common origin for both dark matter (DM) and dark energy (DE). I show that the model can be described as a system of a pressure-less fluid (DM) coupled to a light scalar field (DE). I present a data analysis of this model, which consists of LambdaCDM with one added parameter, and conclude that it addresses both major cosmological tensions, the H0 and S8 tensions. This is particularly interesting considering most models that address the H0 tension also worsen the S8 tension.

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Primary author

Gaspard Poulot (University of Sheffield)


Dr Carsten van de Bruck (University of Sheffield) Elsa Teixeira (University of Sheffield)

Presentation materials

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