Dec 14 – 15, 2023
Centre for Particle Theory
Europe/London timezone

Information recovery in JT gravity

Dec 14, 2023, 7:30 PM
Ogden Centre West (OCW) Level 1

Ogden Centre West (OCW) Level 1


Neil Talwar (Swansea university)


Recent developments on the black hole information problem have shown how tools like the quantum extremal surface prescription and entanglement wedge reconstruction may be used to obtain a Page curve and reproduce the Hayden-Preskill decoding criterion. This poster is based on work where we applied these tools to study information recovery from black holes in a simple model of 2d gravity. We show how to reproduce the Hayden-Preskill decoding criterion with some refinements.

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Primary author

Neil Talwar (Swansea university)

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