Chair: Jiajie Mei
Conformal invariance implies strong constraints on the form of correlation functions of gauge invariant operators, and these correlators diverge when their conformal dimensions satisfy certain relations. These divergences and their renormalization has been understood up to three-point functions and in general dimension, and for specific dimensions for holographic 4-point function in d=3. Going...
$\text{AdS}/\text{CFT}$ is one of the most striking correspondences in modern physics, establishing a rich and useful bridge between gravity and (conformal) gauge theories. In this talk we focus on the $\text{AdS}_3$/$\text{CFT}_2$ encarnation and use simple topological arguments to exhibit how the (quasi)Poisson structures on the phase spaces of both theories are in 1-1 correspondence....
Some CFTs permit exact evaluation of their CFT data; these often come from large-N limits. We review the calculation of these data, and observe the intricate structure of CFTs of tensorial type when considered as a function of continuous dimension.