Decays of beauty mesons into purely hadronic final states offer a plethora of CP violating observables, making them great channels for the search for new CP violating sources. Experimentally, data is plentiful, yet at the same time, these decays are challenging to calculate due to their fully hadronic initial and final states.
I will briefly discuss the status of non-leptonic beauty decays and then focus on QCD factorization (QCDF). In this framework, the decays of the heavy B mesons are factorized into perturbatively calculable hard-scattering kernels and non-perturbative universal hadronic quantities. I will discuss how to extend QCDF to include QED effects. This extension leads to interesting and qualitatively new features, and in this case QED turns out to be more complicated than QCD as the final states are always color neutral but electrically charged. I conclude describing the phenomenological consequences of the QED corrections, which are in general small but enhanced in specific theoretically clean ratios and isospin sumrules.