Prof. Swapan Chattopadhyay, F. Inst. P, FAPS, FAAAS Sir John Cockcroft Professor of Physics Universities of Lancaster, Liverpool and Manchester And Director Cockcroft Institute Daresbury, Warrington Cheshire, UK. Prof. Swapan Chattopadhyay holds the Sir John Cockcroft Chair of Physics at Universities of Liverpool, Manchester and Lancaster -- the First Chair of accelerator physics in UK, named after the British Nobel Laureate credited with creating the field. Concurrently, he is the inaugural Director of the newly created international centre of accelerator science and technology, the Cockcroft Institute in Cheshire, UK – a joint venture of STFC, Universities of Liverpool, Manchester, Lancaster and the North West Development Agency (NWDA). Joining the university faculty since April 19, 2007, and working closely with staff at Rutherford Appleton Lab, Daresbury Lab and UK Industries, Prof. Chattopadhyay is spearheading the UK initiatives in advancing accelerators to drive particle, nuclear, synchrotron radiation and neutron sciences on a national and international scale as well as promoting knowledge exchange in collaboration with academia, federal research labs and industry. Prior to joining the faculty, Prof. Chattopadhyay served as the Associate Director of the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in USA (2001-2007), Founder/Director of the Centre for Beam Physics at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (1992-2001) and Senior Scientist at Berkeley Lab and Professor in the Graduate School at University of California at Berkeley (1984 – 2001). Born and educated in Darjeeling and Calcutta, India as a National Scholar and National Science Talent Scholar till completion of his undergraduate studies, he completed Ph.D. in Physics from Berkeley in 1982 and spent two critical years 1982-1984 at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland as a Scientific Attaché. There he contributed significantly to the phase-space cooling of antiprotons leading to luminous proton-antiproton collisions that established the existence of the Intermediate Vector Bosons responsible for the unification of the electro-weak force in nature. Subsequent professional developments have led to increasing diversification of Prof. Chattopadhyay’s career over time leading to significant milestones of accomplishments to date: design, construction and commissioning of the Advanced Light Source at Berkeley, pioneering the Berkeley-Stanford Asymmetric Electron-Positron Collider PEP-II towards CP-violation studies, initiating the research program at Berkeley on laser-plasma acceleration and on ultra-fast x-ray sources in the femto- and atto-second time scales and critical advancements in microwave superconductivity at Jefferson Lab leading the way to current and future grand instruments of science such as the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA and the current superconducting version of the International Linear Collider , to name a few. Prof. Chattopadhyay is a Fellow of the American Physical Society (USA), Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (USA) and a Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK). He has been awarded the Berkeley Halbach Prize (1996) for development of femto-second X-ray sources, multiple US Department of Energy Research Awards, JAERI Distinguished Visiting Scientist of the Year award (Japan 1995-96), and Raja Ramanna Memorial Award (India, 2005). He is currently the Vice-chair of the American Physical Society’s division of physics of beams, a member of the beam dynamics panel of the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) and serves on numerous editorial, advisory and review committees throughout the world. Having contributed to the conception, design, construction, commissioning and operation of numerous accelerators for particle physics, nuclear physics, synchrotron radiation and neutron sciences around the world, especially mentoring scientists in the developing nations and with significant research accomplishments in advanced particle and photon beam physics, Prof. Chattopadhyay is a frequently invited speaker and advisor at professional societies and government research agencies around the world.