Jul 24 – 30, 2016
Highfield Campus, University of Southampton
Europe/London timezone

Strange Quark Magnetic Moment and Charge Radius of the Nucleon at Physical Point

Jul 26, 2016, 7:00 PM
Highfield Campus, University of Southampton

Highfield Campus, University of Southampton

Highfield Campus, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK
Poster Hadron Structure Poster


Raza Sufian (University of Kentucky, United States)


We present a lattice QCD calculation of the strange quark contribution to the proton's magnetic moment and the charge radius at the physical pion mass. The finite lattice spacing and finite volume corrections are included in a global fitting on three lattices with different lattice spacings, different volumes, and three sea quark masses. We obtain the strange magnetic moment $G^s_M(0) = - 0.073(17)\, \mu_N$ and strange charge radius $\langle r^2_s\rangle_E = -0.0047(22) \,\text{fm}^2$. Additionally, we present our results of the disconnected $u$, $d$-quarks contribution to the proton's electromagnetic form factors.

Primary author

Raza Sufian (University of Kentucky, United States)


Dr Jian Liang (University of Kentucky) Prof. Keh-Fei Liu (University of Kentucky) Prof. Terrence Draper (University of Kentucky) Dr YIBO Yang (university of Kentucky)

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