Applications Beyond QCD
- Nazario Tantalo (Rome University Tor Vergata and INFN sez. of Rome Tor Vergata)
Nikhil Karthik
(Florida International University)
7/27/16, 9:00 AM
Applications Beyond QCD
There are plausibility arguments that QED in three dimensions has
a critical number of flavors of massless two-component fermions,
below which scale invariance is broken by the presence of bilinear
condensate. We present numerical evidences from our dynamical
lattice simulations using overlap as well as Wilson-Dirac fermions
for the absence of bilinear condensate using the following...
Paul Rakow
(University of Liverpool)
7/27/16, 9:20 AM
Applications Beyond QCD
When QED is added to QCD simulations we have to consider the effects of massless degrees of freedom (the photons), which bring new problems which we did not have to worry about in simulations of pure QCD. Related to this, we have questions about the boundary conditions - how can we reconcile periodic boundary conditions with Gauss's Law? What is the best way of treating zero modes of the...
Ross Young
(University of Adelaide)
7/27/16, 9:40 AM
Applications Beyond QCD
Using dynamical lattice simulations of the coupled theory of QED and QCD we explore some particular aspects of the periodic boundary conditions. We observe that the finite volume effects in spectroscopy are dependent upon the precise implementation of the gauge-fixing condition. We also report on the finite-volume dependence of the charge renormalisation.
Daniel Schmidt
(Friedrich Schiller University Jena)
7/27/16, 10:00 AM
Applications Beyond QCD
We investigate a class of quantum field theories of fermions interacting by a quartic coupling.
This includes well-known models like the Gross-Neveu model and the Thirring model.
In three spacetime dimensions, these models are used to describe properties of solid state systems like high temperature superconductors and graphene.
Additionally, they are interesting as toy models to study...
Andrey Kotov
7/27/16, 10:20 AM
Applications Beyond QCD
Dirac semimetals are recently discovered materials with low energy
spectrum similar to the massless two flavour 3+1D Dirac fermions. The interaction
between quasiparticles in Dirac semimetals is instantaneous Coulomb
with large effective coupling constant \alpha\sim 1. In this report we present the
result of study of the phase diagram of Dirac semimetals within lattice
simulation with...
Lorenz von Smekal
(Justus-Liebig University Giessen)
7/27/16, 10:40 AM
Applications Beyond QCD
We study the phase diagram of the fermionic Hubbard model on the hexagonal lattice in the space of on-site and nearest neighbor couplings with Hybrid-Monte-Carlo simulations. With pure on-site repulsion this allows to determine the critical coupling strength for spin-density wave formation. We compare the standard approach of introducing a small mass term, explicitly breaking the sublattice...