Parallel Sesion: BSM Phenomenology
- Philip Waite (IPPP, Durham)
Thomas Cridge
(DAMTP, University of Cambridge)
12/01/2017, 09:00
I will discuss the addition of a decay calculator to the SoftSusy
spectrum generator program currently used for susy searches. The new
version of softsusy -4.0 will therefore now be able to provide
all-in-one spectrum generation and decay calculation including all
tree-level Susy 1 → 2 decays, relevant 1 → 3 decays, all relevant higgs
decays including Zgamma, gamma gamma, glu glu,...
Jesse Liu
(Oxford University)
12/01/2017, 09:25
As supersymmetry searches confront the LHC energy ceiling, what will shape future searches given the dearth of signals? Discovery opportunity remains in the colourless sector, where lower mass bounds are around 100 GeV for scalar leptons and fermionic Higgs particles. High luminosity will probe their rare production and I will discuss overcoming experimental challenges to detect the low energy...
Azaria Coupe
(Univeristy of Southampton)
12/01/2017, 09:50
Despite the successes of the Standard Model, there are many issues and open questions that must be answered with physics Beyond the SM. For 4 decades, theories of strong dynamics, in particular Technicolor theory, have been posed as alternatives to spontaneous electroweak symmetry breaking. Today, Walking Technicolor theory offers both a solution to the hierarchy problem, a Higgs boson-like...
Patrick Tunney
(King's College London)
12/01/2017, 10:15
Searches for Dark Matter (DM) at the LHC using effective field theory can be unreliable as we cannot guarantee the cut-off in such theories is above the typical energy involved in a LHC collision. Therefore a set of simplified models are typically used to interpret LHC data, with a dynamical mediator present in the model that is responsible for the interactions between the dark and visible...