Sep 12 – 13, 2019
the University of Birmingham
Europe/London timezone


Flavour Physics

Sep 13, 2019, 9:45 AM
Watson Lecture Theatre A

Watson Lecture Theatre A

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Matthew Needham (University of Edinburgh)
9/13/19, 9:45 AM
Dr Christopher Parkinson (University of Birmingham)
9/13/19, 10:55 AM
Prof. Mark Lancaster (University of Manchester)
9/13/19, 11:15 AM
Dr Michael Tarbutt
9/13/19, 11:35 AM
Mario Campanelli (UCL)
9/13/19, 11:50 AM
9/13/19, 12:00 PM
Sneha Malde (Oxford University)
Building timetable...