The SM@LHC Workshop brings together theorists and experimenters to discuss the latest developments and future prospects in Standard Model phenomenology at the LHC, with emphasis on the most interesting and topical aspects at the interface between theory and experiment. The workshop has sessions devoted to Electroweak, QCD, Higgs, Top, Heavy Flavour and EFT.
The 2025 edition will take place at the IPPP in Durham (UK).
Previous workshops of the SM@LHC series took place in Rome (SM@LHC 2024), FNAL (SM@LHC 2023), CERN (SM@LHC 2022), Online (SM@LHC 2021), Zurich (SM@LHC 2019), Berlin (SM@LHC 2018), Amsterdam (SM@LHC 2017), Pittsburgh (SM@LHC 2016), Florence (SM@LHC 2015), Madrid (SM@LHC 2014), Freiburg (SM@LHC 2013), Copenhagen (SM@LHC 2012), Durham (SM@LHC 2011) and London (SM@LHC 2009).
Apart from the topical invited talks the conference will host a poster session during the welcome reception Monday evening. Please register your interest in such contributions at the link to submit abstracts.
Be aware of phishing emails about accommodation in Durham following your registration, especially if you chose to have your name in the participant list visible to anyone. To avoid further problems the list of participants is no longer publically accessible.
International Organizing Committee:
Juan Alcaraz Maestre, Jeppe R. Andersen, William Barter, Mario Campanelli, Tancredi Carli, Vitaliano Ciulli, Ayres Freitas, Stefan Hoeche, Aleandro Nisati, Giulia Zanderighi
Confirmed conveners:
- QCD: Javier Llorente Merino (CIEMAT Madrid, CMS), Stefan Kluth (MPI, ATLAS), Ronan McNulty (UCD, LHCb), Thomas Cridge (Univ. of Antwerpen, Theory)
- Electroweak: Kenneth David Long (MIT, CMS), Mathieu Pellen (Univ. Freiburg, Theory), Miguel Ramos Pernas (Warwick Univ., LHCb), Hannes Mildner (Univ. of Mainz, ATLAS)
- Flavour: Francesco Detorri (Univ. Cagliari, LHCb), Chiara Rovelli (Roma I, CMS), Noam Hod (Weizmann, ATLAS), Alexander Lenz (Siegen, Theory)
- Top: Clara Nellist (NIKHEF, ATLAS), Andre Hoang (Univ. of Vienna, Theory), Andreas Werner Jung (Purdue, CMS)
- EFT: Robert Schöfbeck (HEPHY, CMS), Karolos Potamianos (Univ. of Oxford, ATLAS), Céline Degrande (UC Louvain, Theory)
- Higgs Physics: Stephen Jones (IPPP, Theory), Matthias Schröder (Univ. Hamburg, CMS), Alexander Held (U. of Wisconsin, ATLAS)
Local Organizing Committee:
Jeppe R. Andersen, Matteo Marcoli
Conference Dinner:
The conference dinner will be held in the Great Hall of Durham Castle next to Durham Cathedral Wednesday April 9th.