The 13th edition of QCD@LHC, aiming at fostering discussions and collaboration between experimenters and theorists, working on strong interactions at the LHC, will be held in Durham, UK.
International Advisory Committee:
Johannes Blümlein (DESY), Michelangelo Mangano (CERN), Joey Huston (Michegan State), Zoltan Trocsanyi (Budapest), Fabio Maltoni (Louvain), Sergey Alekhin (DESY), Zoltan Nagy (DESY), Judith Katzy (DESY), Frank Siegert (Dresden), Eram Syed Rizvi (QMUL), Nigel Glover (Durham), Keith Ellis (Durham), Thomas Gehrmann (Zürich), Dominik Stöckinger (Dresden), Claude Duhr (Bonn), Doreen Wackeroth (Buffalo), Ciaran Williams (Buffalo), Jean-Philippe Lansberg (Orsay)
Local Organising Committee:
Jeppe R. Andersen, Frank Krauss, Marek Schönherr
Scientific programme:
The scientific programme will be held in the Calman Centre (map) close to the IPPP (map). Coffee breaks will be taken on the top floor with views of the Cathedral.
Conveners and programme committee: Stephen Jones, Wouter Waalewijn, Peter Skands, Alexander Karlberg, Maria Ubiali, Robert S. Thorne, Rene Poncelet, Ben Pecjak, Jonathan R. Gaunt, Javier Llorento Merino, Francesco Giuli
Cultural programme:
There will be a half-day excursion to Hadrian's wall Housesteads Roman Fort and the Sycamore Gap Tree around Steel Rig.
Alternatively, the afternoon can be spent on a self-guided tour visiting Durham Cathedral and Crook Hall and Garden.
Accommodation, breakfast and dinners are booked in Collingwood College (map)
Conference Dinner:
The conference dinner will be held in Hatfield College (map) next to Durham Cathedral Wednesday September 6.
QCD@LHC 2024 will be hosted in Freiburg, Germany, October 7-11 2024.