Jun 19 – 21, 2023
Naples, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Leptogenesis looking into the abyss: The effects of Primordial Black Hole evaporation

Jun 20, 2023, 12:20 PM
Naples, Italy

Naples, Italy

Talk Session 6


Yuber Perez


Black Hole evaporation offers a unique particle production method unlike any other interaction process. In the Early Universe, such evaporation can affect the baryon asymmetry produced via leptogenesis since heavy right-handed neutrinos can be emitted independently of the properties of the primordial plasma. However, there is also a large amount of entropy injected, which could dilute the generated asymmetry. We will explore in detail this interplay between Primordial Black Holes and Leptogenesis, determining the regions of the parameter space where the evaporation increases or erases the asymmetry.

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