Session 3
- Chair: Pippa Cole
If inflation gives rise to large enough curvature perturbations, these will generate large overdensities in the primordial plasma, which may eventually collapse to form primordial black holes when inflation is over.
Therefore, primordial black holes typically arise in inflationary scenarios where the backreaction of large amplitude fluctuations significantly modify the large-scale dynamics of...
A class of inflationary scenarios for primordial black hole (PBH) formation include a small barrier in the slope of the potential. There, the inflaton slows down, generating an enhancement of primordial perturbations. Moreoever, the background solution overcomes the barrier at a very low speed, and large backward quantum fluctuations can prevent certain regions from overshooting the barrier....
If gauge fields are coupled to an axion field during inflation they can lead to unique observational signatures, such as primordial black holes and chiral gravitational waves. However, this system often shows strong backreaction effects, invalidating the standard perturbation theory approach. In this talk, I present the first nonlinear lattice simulation of an axion-U(1) system during...
Primordial black holes (PBHs) may form from large density fluctuations in the early universe. These fluctuations are rare, and so lie in the tail of the probability distribution function. Non-Gaussianity may enhance this tail, and will have a significant impact on PBH formation. The typical perturbative treatment of non-Gaussianity is insufficient for strong deviations from Gaussianity in the...