Dec 15 – 16, 2022
Centre for Particle Theory, Durham
Europe/London timezone

Improved Antenna Subtraction at NNLO

Dec 15, 2022, 5:50 PM
Ph30 (zoom room 2) (Centre for Particle Theory, Durham)

Ph30 (zoom room 2)

Centre for Particle Theory, Durham

Department of Physics Durham University South Road Durham DH1 3LE
Long talk (20 mins) Full Length Talks


Oscar Braun-White (IPPP Durham University)


The antenna subtraction method has been successfully applied to a wide range
of next-to-next-to-leading order in $\alpha_s$ (NNLO) processes relevant for the Large Hadron Collider. We summarise how the antenna subtraction method works at NLO and NNLO and identify the current drawbacks in the scheme. In particular, the tree-level four-particle antennae, $X_4^0$, extracted from known colour-ordered matrix elements do not have consistent patterns in unresolved singular structure. We show that it is possible to construct similar antennae with more uniform features directly out of the unresolved limits required. It is hoped that the application of these improved Antennae will be more straightforward and efficient, such that the antenna subtraction scheme is less process-dependent. Finally, we match the integration of the antennae over the unresolved phase space to the previous incarnation, serving as an independent check on our results.

Type of presentation 20 minute talk
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Primary authors

Oscar Braun-White (IPPP Durham University) Nigel Glover (IPPP, Durham University) Christian Preuss (ETH Zürich)

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