15–16 Dec 2022
Centre for Particle Theory, Durham
Europe/London timezone

Using Helicity to Distinguish Dark Matter Models at Lepton Colliders

15 Dec 2022, 19:30
Ogden Centre West (OCW) Level 2

Ogden Centre West (OCW) Level 2

Department of Physics Durham University South Road Durham DH1 3LE


Sofie Erner (PhD student at IPPP at Durham University)


Dark Matter has eluded us for decades and continues to do so. Current lepton colliders are currently being used to set exclusion limits on coupling constants and masses of various dark matter models, but many models would have either identical or too close to distinguish signals in a detector. There is hence a need for methods/observables to separate the signals. We look into whether measuring the helicity of the photon in $ e^+ e^- $ processes with a single outgoing photon plus missing energy, can be used to distinguish two dark matter models: Dark Photon and Axion-Like-Particles (ALPs). It was found that for the limitations of the Belle II detector, the SM background is close to $50 \%$ independent of $\cos{\theta_\gamma}$. This means that any alteration to this, either in total left-right photon helicity asymmetry or $\cos{\theta_\gamma}$-dependence can be used as a beyond-standard-model (BSM) signal.

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Primary author

Sofie Erner (PhD student at IPPP at Durham University)


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