July 31, 2023 to August 3, 2023
Rochester Building
Europe/London timezone

The YETI school serves to promote interaction between theorists and experimentalists at the early career stage and to encourage interest in phenomenology. YETI aims to give a pedagogical introduction to a particular area of topical interest in particle physics.

This year the topic of the school will be "Almost Everything About Flavour". It will cover selected topics in flavour physics including flavour experiments, weak effective field theory, symmetries and searches for new physics. The topics will be covered from the perspective of taking experimental measurements, making theoretical predictions, and interpreting semi-leptonic B decays phenomenologically. As is traditional for YETI, the school will feature a range of lectures as well as hands-on workshops.

The school will be held in person and PhD students from the UK are invited and encouraged to attend. The meeting is sponsored by the IPPP; meals, accommodation at Collingwood College and travel within the UK will be provided free of charge. 

We encourage participants to register before the school (it's free!) so that we can keep track of the number of attendees and send relevant announcements. Please note that the number of participants is limited and, if necessary, a selection will be carried out with results announced to the registrants by mid-July.

Confirmed Speakers Include:

  • Marzia Bordone (CERN) - How to extract Vcb and new physics couplings from data.
  • Lucia Grillo (Glasgow) - How to measure semileptonic decays at the LHC.
  • Mark Smith (Imperial) - Hands-on tutorial on measuring semileptonic decays with LHC data.
  • Judd Harrison (Glasgow) - How to use lattice QCD to compute the hadronic form factors.
  • Martin Jung (Turin) - How to use symmetries to help reduce the number of parameters.
  • Méril Reboud (Durham) - Hands-on EOS tutorial.
  • Javier Virto (Barcelona) - How to think of new physics constraints in an effective theory.
  • Chris Parkes (Manchester) - How to improve on current measurements.

Registration deadline:
14th July 2023

Follow us on twitter @IPPP_Durham

Rochester Building

The meeting is sponsored by the IPPP; meals, accommodation and travel within the UK will be provided free of charge. The number of participants is limited, if necessary, a selection will be carried out and the results will be announced to the registrants by mid July.