14–15 Dec 2023
Centre for Particle Theory
Europe/London timezone

Manifestly Causal QFT

14 Dec 2023, 14:30
Ph8 (Centre for Particle Theory)


Centre for Particle Theory

Gong Show Talk (5 mins) Gong Show Talks


Ross Jenkinson (University of Manchester)


A new method of performing calculations in QFT is presented, in which algebraic manipulations are performed at the probability level and propagators are expressed in terms of Pauli-Jordan (commutator) and Hadamard (anti-commutator) functions. This novel approach can be made manifestly causal, with other potential advantages including avoiding infrared singularities. This method has been applied to particle scattering and 2-level Fermi atom calculations, with hopes to apply it to scenarios involving the Unruh effect and black hole geomteries.

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Primary author

Ross Jenkinson (University of Manchester)

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