14–15 Dec 2023
Centre for Particle Theory
Europe/London timezone

Computing Conformal 4-Point Functions

14 Dec 2023, 14:15
Ph8 (Centre for Particle Theory)


Centre for Particle Theory

Gong Show Talk (5 mins) Gong Show Talks


Matthew Rochford (Department of Physics, University of Southampton)


By the AdS-CFT correspondence, a 4-point function in a CFT is equal to the scattering amplitude of particle states in the dual AdS gravitational theory. These important functions can also tell us other things, such as the spectrum of operators in a theory, and are heavily researched objects. The expressions for general 2- and 3-point functions in a CFT have explicitly known and very simple forms but there is not a simple, general expression for 4-point functions. In my talk, I will briefly discuss different methods, which I will be using in future work, that have been found for both constraining and computing 4-point functions/scattering amplitudes. These include utilising the OPE, bootstrapping, working in Mellin space and using dispersive sum rules.

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