2–4 Jul 2024
Swansea University
Europe/London timezone

Pion mass dependence in $D\pi$ scattering and the $D_0^*(2300)$ resonance from lattice QCD

4 Jul 2024, 09:55
Singleton Park Campus (Swansea University)

Singleton Park Campus

Swansea University

Singleton Park, Swansea, SA2 8PP
Talk Talks


Mr Haobo Yan (Peking University)


Lattice QCD results for isospin $I=\frac{1}{2}$ $D\pi$ scattering are presented. Utilizing a series of $N_{\text{f}}=2+1$ Wilson-Clover ensembles with pion masses of $m_\pi \approx 132, 208, 305$ and $317$ MeV, various two-particle operators are constructed and the corresponding finite-volume spectra are determined. The $S$ and $P$-wave scattering phase shifts are then extracted using the Lüscher approach. A clear trend for the motion of the $D_0^*(2300)$ pole is identified. With the physical pion mass configurations also included, this calculation constitutes the first lattice calculation in which the pion mass dependence of the $D_0^*(2300)$ pole is investigated and the scattering lengths are extrapolated/interpolated to the physical pion mass in $D\pi$ scattering.

Primary author

Mr Haobo Yan (Peking University)


Chuan Liu (Peking University) Mr Hanyang Xing (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Liuming Liu (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Yu Meng (Zhengzhou University)

Presentation materials