Lattice QCD results for isospin $I=\frac{1}{2}$ $D\pi$ scattering are presented. Utilizing a series of $N_{\text{f}}=2+1$ Wilson-Clover ensembles with pion masses of $m_\pi \approx 132, 208, 305$ and $317$ MeV, various two-particle operators are constructed and the corresponding finite-volume spectra are determined. The $S$ and $P$-wave scattering phase shifts are then extracted using the Lüscher approach. A clear trend for the motion of the $D_0^*(2300)$ pole is identified. With the physical pion mass configurations also included, this calculation constitutes the first lattice calculation in which the pion mass dependence of the $D_0^*(2300)$ pole is investigated and the scattering lengths are extrapolated/interpolated to the physical pion mass in $D\pi$ scattering.