Non-collider experiments and facilities
- Mark Lancaster (University of Manchester)
- Joel Goldstein (University of Bristol)
- Carl Gwilliam (University of Liverpool)
Non-collider experiments and facilities: Non-collider experiments and facilities
- Carl Gwilliam (University of Liverpool)
- Mark Lancaster (University of Manchester)
- Joel Goldstein (University of Bristol)
Subir Sarkar
(University of Oxford),
Subir Sarkar
(University of Oxford)
25/09/2024, 12:00
Alan Barr
(University of Oxford),
Alan Barr
25/09/2024, 12:20
Andrey Golutvin
(Imperial College London),
Mitesh Patel
(Imperial College London)
25/09/2024, 12:40
Joost Vossebeld
(University of Liverpool)
25/09/2024, 14:20
Evgueni Goudzovski
(University of Birmingham),
Evgueni Goudzovski
(University of Birmingham)
25/09/2024, 14:40