18–19 Dec 2024
Centre for Particle Theory
Europe/London timezone

Partial N3LL + NNLO Resummed Predictions for the Drell-Yan Process in Rapidity Dependent Jet Veto Observables

18 Dec 2024, 14:40
Ph8 (Centre for Particle Theory)


Centre for Particle Theory


Thomas Clark (University of Manchester)


Jet vetoes are important tools that are frequently used to cut away backgrounds or separate different hard scattering processes. Rapidity dependent jet vetoes with a tight veto at central rapidities and a loose veto at forward rapidities can reduce sensitivity to jets from pile-up and the underlying event. Applying tight cuts on such variables requires resummation of large logarithms of the hard scale over the jet veto scale. I will discuss the resummation of two different rapidity dependent jet veto observables, and present new results at partial N3LL + NNLO for the Drell-Yan process with these two jet vetoes applied.

Based on work done with Shireen Gangal and Jonathan Gaunt.

Primary author

Thomas Clark (University of Manchester)

Presentation materials