18–19 Dec 2024
Centre for Particle Theory
Europe/London timezone

Quantum black-to-white holes: Covariant non-perturbative corrections

18 Dec 2024, 14:20
Ph8 (Centre for Particle Theory)


Centre for Particle Theory


Idrus Husin Belfaqih (University of Edinburgh)


Holonomy corrections, which are integral to loop quantum gravity (LQG), have recently been consistently incorporated for the classical Schwarzschild black hole using a novel framework that lets one incorporate non-perturbative quantum geometry corrections in a generally covariant manner. The vacuum spherically symmetric solutions, solved in different gauges, are shown to describe the same physical spacetime. The global structure is that of a non-singular wormhole region connecting the black hole to a white hole. Our result is valid for an arbitrary scale-dependent holonomy parameter which demonstrates the robustness of LQG black holes with respect to quantization ambiguities. The semiclassical analysis of a scalar field on such quantum black hole backgrounds shows that the Hawking thermal distribution is regained, and the LQG corrections enter through the sub-leading greybody factors.

Primary authors

Erick Ivan Duque (Penn State University) Idrus Husin Belfaqih (University of Edinburgh) Martin Bojowald (Penn State University) Suddhasattwa Brahma (University of Edinburgh)

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