Chair: Yunji Ha
Holonomy corrections, which are integral to loop quantum gravity (LQG), have recently been consistently incorporated for the classical Schwarzschild black hole using a novel framework that lets one incorporate non-perturbative quantum geometry corrections in a generally covariant manner. The vacuum spherically symmetric solutions, solved in different gauges, are shown to describe the same...
In this talk I will start by introducing the POWHEG method for matching fixed order calculations to a parton shower. I will show how the double counting is removed by POWHEG. Then I will go on to look at an extension to this which is resonance aware, POWHEG-RES. This extension to POWHEG adds the complexity of the matching algorithm keeping track of the productions channels associated with a...
Jet vetoes are important tools that are frequently used to cut away backgrounds or separate different hard scattering processes. Rapidity dependent jet vetoes with a tight veto at central rapidities and a loose veto at forward rapidities can reduce sensitivity to jets from pile-up and the underlying event. Applying tight cuts on such variables requires resummation of large logarithms of the...