Chair: Hector Puerta Ramisa
Given a gauge Lie algebra, it is natural to seek representations for four-dimensional spacetime fermions that are anomaly-free and complex. Even for irreducible representations, where the problem reduces to studying $\mathfrak{su}_n$ for $n\geq3$, solutions seem to be few and far between: a trial-and-error scan by Eichten, Kang and Koh found only three for $\mathfrak{su}_5$, for example. In...
In this talk I shall talk about insertion of defects into a conformal field theory. Specifically, I shall discuss a setup with two conformal defects, and an effective field theory description of this setup, and the symmetries that this setup preserves. This is based on work with Petr Kravchuk and Ritam Sinha (arXiv:2406.04561).
Entanglement entropy quantifies the degree of entanglement between two quantum systems or between two subregions in a QFT and hence is an important tool to understand the quantum system. However, its study in dimensions $> 2$ has been mostly limited to flat backgrounds and CFT vacuum states in specific subregions due to technical as well as conceptual difficulties. In this talk, I will present...