Room 410, Physics Department, Queen Mary University of London
Room 410, Physics Department, Queen Mary University of London
Juergen Thomas(Birmingham University), Lucio Cerrito(Queen Mary, University of London)
Meeting of ATLAS-UK people working on top quark physics studies. Note all times are UK times.
The meeting is in room 410, 4th floor, of the Department of Physics; for information on how to reach QMUL and the Dept. visit:
An EVO [] meeting will be booked for 13.30-17.30 called
"ATLAS-UK Top WG", there is no password. In the default community: "Universe". EVO can be accessed using a PC or using a phone via CERN as: +41 22 76 71400. The meeting ID is 511535.
Lucio Cerrito(QMUL)
Very preliminary start on the cross-section measurement using soft muon tagging.