Nov 14 – 15, 2013
The Cosener's House
Europe/London timezone

Participant List

62 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Alexander Lenz IPPP
Alfons Weber University of Oxford & STFC/RAL
Alon Faraggi University of Liverpool
Ana M. Teixeira LPC-Clermont
Andrew Granger University of Sussex
Balasubramaniam K M University of Sussex
Ben Pecjak IPPP Durham
Carlo Giunti INFN
Christine Davies University of Glasgow
Christopher McCabe Durham, IPPP
Claire Prouve University of Bristol
Cristina Lazzeroni University of Birmingham
Daniel Johnson University of Oxford
Daniel Saunders Bristol University
david miller UCL
Dianne Ferguson University of Edinburgh
Ed Greening University of Oxford
Emmanuel Olaiya Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Eugenia Price University of Bristol
Evgueni Goudzovski University of Birmingham
Francesca Di Lodovico Queen Mary, University of London
Francis Newson Birmingham University
George Lafferty University of Manchester
Gilberto Tetlalmatzi-Xolocotzi IPPP Durham
Gino Isidori INFN - Frascati
Giulio Dujany University of Manchester
Greig Cowan Edinburgh
Guido Bell University of Oxford
Guy Wilkinson Oxford University
Iain Bertram Lancaster University
Jo Cole Brunel University
Jonas Rademacker University of Bristol
Jürgen Rohrwild University of Oxford
Marcella Bona Queen Mary University of London
Marco Gersabeck The University of Manchester
Marco Nardecchia University of Cambridge
Maria Cerdà Sevilla University of Liverpool
Mark Lancaster UCL
Mark Ross-Lonergan IPPP Durham University
Martin Beneke TU Munich
Martin Gorbahn University of Liverpool
Michele Re Fiorentin University of Southampton
Mitesh Patel Imperial College London
Nazim Hussain University of Oxford
Neville Harnew University of Oxford
Nicholas Torr University of Oxford
Nicola Skidmore Bristol University
Paras Naik University of Bristol
Pasquale Di Bari University of Southampton
Paul Soler University of Glasgow
Pengfei Ding The University of Manchester
Peter Dornan Imperial College
Roxanne Guenette Oxford
Silvia Pascoli IPPP - Durham University
Sophie King Southampton/Queen Mary
Sophie Richards University of Bristol
Stefania Ricciardi STFC RAL
Steve King University of Southampton
Suzanne Klaver University of Manchester
Thomas Dealtry University of Oxford & RAL
Thomas Neder University of Southampton
Valeri Khoze IPPP Durham