Sep 14 – 16, 2014
Ogden Centre for Fundamental Physics
Europe/London timezone
This is an invitation only three-day residential course for A2 physics students designed specifically for Ogden sixth form scholars and Ogden-sponsored schools. There will be 30 places available. The symposium is funded by The Ogden Trust and includes accommodation and all meals, but there is a non-refundable registration fee of £50. Travel expenses may be claimed equivalent to a return student rail fare plus taxis to and from Durham station, or 45p per mile, whichever is the lesser. If you are an AS-Physics student at an Ogden school and are interested in attending this year, please contact the Ogden Trust - Topics to be discussed include: Special Relativity: Prof. S. Clark Hunting the Higgs: Dr. P. Edwards Night Sky Astronomy: Dr. J. Lucey All activities will take place in the Ogden Centre for Fundamental Physics and in the Department of Physics, at Durham University. Local organization Dr. P. Edwards
Ogden Centre for Fundamental Physics