First Name | Last Name | Affiliation |
Alasdair | Winter | University of Birmingham |
Alexander | Belyaev | University of Southampton |
Alexander | Lenz | IPPP Durham |
Alon | Faraggi | University of Liverpool |
Ayash | Alrashdi | Lancaster University / Cockroft Institute |
Bill | Murray | University of Warwick (GB) / STFC-RAL |
Bobby | Acharya | King's College London |
Boruo | Xu | University of Cambridge |
Chris | Damerell | STFC RAL |
Chris | Hays | Oxford University |
Christoph | Englert | University of Glasgow |
Cigdem | Issever | University of Oxford |
Claire | Gwenlan | University of Oxford (GB) |
Dan | Tovey | University of Sheffield |
Daniela | Bortoletto | University of Oxford (GB) |
David | Miller | UCL |
David | Wark | STFC/Oxford University |
Dermot | O'Brien | Southampton University |
Emine | Yildirim | University of Southampton |
Emmanuel | Olaiya | STFC RAL |
Geoff | Hall | Imperial College London |
Glenn | Christian | University of Oxford |
Guido | Bell | University of Oxford |
Iain | Bertram | Lancaster University |
Ian | Dawson | University of Sheffield |
Ivo | de Medeiros Varzielas | University of Southampton |
Jaroslaw | Pasternak | Imperial College |
Jens | Dopke | STFC RAL |
John | Ellis | King's College London |
Juergen | Rohrwild | University of Oxford |
Juri | Fiaschi | University of Southampton |
Krzysztof | Bozek | King's College London |
Liliana | Teodorescu | Brunel University |
Lucian | Harland-Lang | University College London |
Marc | Thomas | Southampton University |
Mark | Thomson | University of Cambridge |
Max | Klein | University of Liverpool |
Michael | Russell | The University of Glasgow |
Michal | Kreps | University of Warwick (GB) |
Michelangelo | Mangano | CERN |
Mike | Lamont | CERN |
Miriam | Watson | University of Birmingham |
Monika | Wielers | RAL |
Neil | Geddes | STFC |
Patrick | Janot | CERN |
Paul | Kyberd | Brunel University |
Pedro | Ferreira | University of Oxford |
Philip | Burrows | Oxford University |
Pierrick | Hanlet | Illinois Institute of Technology |
Pippa | Wells | CERN |
Rafael | Delgado Lopez | University of Southampton |
Shankha | Banerjee | Harish-Chandra Research Institute |
Stefania | Ricciardi | STCF RAL |
Stephen | Haywood | STFC RAL |
Steve | Worm | RAL |
Steven | Green | Univeristy of Cambridge |
Subir | Sarkar | University of Oxford |
Sven | Heinemeyer | IFCA (CSIC) |
Terry | Wyatt | University of Manchester |
Tevong | You | King's College London |
Thomas | Cridge | DAMTP, University of Cambridge |
Tim | Gershon | University of Warwick |
Uta | Klein | University of Liverpool |
Valeri | Khoze | IPPP, Durham University |
Veronica | Sanz | University of Sussex |
Veronique | Boisvert | Royal Holloway, University of London |
Xianguo | Lu | University of Oxford |
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