13–14 Nov 2014
The Cosener's House
Europe/London timezone

Participant List

67 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Alasdair Winter University of Birmingham
Alexander Belyaev University of Southampton
Alexander Lenz IPPP Durham
Alon Faraggi University of Liverpool
Ayash Alrashdi Lancaster University / Cockroft Institute
Bill Murray University of Warwick (GB) / STFC-RAL
Bobby Acharya King's College London
Boruo Xu University of Cambridge
Chris Damerell STFC RAL
Chris Hays Oxford University
Christoph Englert University of Glasgow
Cigdem Issever University of Oxford
Claire Gwenlan University of Oxford (GB)
Dan Tovey University of Sheffield
Daniela Bortoletto University of Oxford (GB)
David Miller UCL
David Wark STFC/Oxford University
Dermot O'Brien Southampton University
Emine Yildirim University of Southampton
Emmanuel Olaiya STFC RAL
Geoff Hall Imperial College London
Glenn Christian University of Oxford
Guido Bell University of Oxford
Iain Bertram Lancaster University
Ian Dawson University of Sheffield
Ivo de Medeiros Varzielas University of Southampton
Jaroslaw Pasternak Imperial College
Jens Dopke STFC RAL
John Ellis King's College London
Juergen Rohrwild University of Oxford
Juri Fiaschi University of Southampton
Krzysztof Bozek King's College London
Liliana Teodorescu Brunel University
Lucian Harland-Lang University College London
Marc Thomas Southampton University
Mark Thomson University of Cambridge
Max Klein University of Liverpool
Michael Russell The University of Glasgow
Michal Kreps University of Warwick (GB)
Michelangelo Mangano CERN
Mike Lamont CERN
Miriam Watson University of Birmingham
Monika Wielers RAL
Neil Geddes STFC
Patrick Janot CERN
Paul Kyberd Brunel University
Pedro Ferreira University of Oxford
Philip Burrows Oxford University
Pierrick Hanlet Illinois Institute of Technology
Pippa Wells CERN
Rafael Delgado Lopez University of Southampton
Shankha Banerjee Harish-Chandra Research Institute
Stefania Ricciardi STCF RAL
Stephen Haywood STFC RAL
Steve Worm RAL
Steven Green Univeristy of Cambridge
Subir Sarkar University of Oxford
Sven Heinemeyer IFCA (CSIC)
Terry Wyatt University of Manchester
Tevong You King's College London
Thomas Cridge DAMTP, University of Cambridge
Tim Gershon University of Warwick
Uta Klein University of Liverpool
Valeri Khoze IPPP, Durham University
Veronica Sanz University of Sussex
Veronique Boisvert Royal Holloway, University of London
Xianguo Lu University of Oxford