24–30 Jul 2016
Highfield Campus, University of Southampton
Europe/London timezone

Mass anomalous dimension of SU(2) using the spectral density method

26 Jul 2016, 19:00
Highfield Campus, University of Southampton

Highfield Campus, University of Southampton

Highfield Campus, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK
Poster Physics Beyond the Standard Model Poster


Mr Joni Suorsa (University of Helsinki, Helsinki Institute of Physics)


We study the mass anomalous dimension of SU(2) with $N_f=6$ and $N_f = 8$ in both massless and massive quark cases for a range of gauge coupling values. In the massless case we find behaviour consistent with results obtained using the Schrödinger functional method.

Primary author

Mr Joni Suorsa (University of Helsinki, Helsinki Institute of Physics)


Dr Jarno Rantaharju (CP-3 Origins, University of Southern Denmark) Prof. Kari Rummukainen (University of Helsinki, Helsinki Institute of Physics) Dr Kimmo Tuominen (University of Helsinki, Helsinki Institute of Physics) Mr Teemu Rantalaiho (University of Helsinki) Mr Viljami Leino (University of Helsinki)

Presentation materials