Jul 24 – 30, 2016
Highfield Campus, University of Southampton
Europe/London timezone

A New Perspective on Chiral Gauge Theories

Jul 30, 2016, 10:15 AM
Building 32 (EEE) Room 1015 and Building 67 (Nightingale) Room 1027 via video link (University of Southampton, Highfield Campus)

Building 32 (EEE) Room 1015 and Building 67 (Nightingale) Room 1027 via video link

University of Southampton, Highfield Campus

Talk Theoretical Developments Plenary Session


Prof. David Kaplan (Institute for Nuclear Theory)


I review some of the different approaches that have been pursued in attempting to define chiral gauge theories on the lattice, all of which are procedures for eliminating unwanted mirror fermions from the theory. I then discuss a recently published proposal with D. Grabowska that combines domain wall fermions with gradient flow as a new idea for how to decouple the mirror fermions, and which seems to imply unexpected nonperturbative effects.

Primary author

Prof. David Kaplan (Institute for Nuclear Theory)

Presentation materials