Jul 24 – 30, 2016
Highfield Campus, University of Southampton
Europe/London timezone

On complex Langevin dynamics and zeroes of the determinant

Jul 26, 2016, 4:50 PM
Building 32 Room 1015 (Highfield Campus, University of Southampton)

Building 32 Room 1015

Highfield Campus, University of Southampton

Talk Nonzero Temperature and Density Nonzero Temperature and Density


Prof. Gert Aarts (Swansea University)


In the complex Langevin approach to lattice simulations at nonzero density, zeroes of the fermion determinant lead to a meromorphic drift and hence a need to revisit the theoretical justification. In this talk we discuss how poles in the drift affect the formal justification of the approach and then explore the various possibilities in simple models. The implications of the findings for heavy dense QCD and full QCD are discussed.

Primary author

Prof. Gert Aarts (Swansea University)


Dr Denes Sexty (Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal) Dr Erhard Seiler (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut)) Prof. Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu (university Heidelberg)

Presentation materials