Takaya for HAL QCD Collaboration Miyamoto
(Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University)
We investigate the 2-baryon system with the isospin 1/2
including one charm quark, namely, $\Lambda_c N$ and $\Sigma_c N$.
Although this system is similar to the $\Lambda N$ and $\Sigma N$ system,
the interaction of this charmed 2-baryon system above $\Sigma_c N$ threshold
might be quite different from its hyperon counter part, due to the smaller mass splitting
between $\Sigma_c$ and $\Sigma_c^*$ than $\Sigma$ and $\Sigma^*$,
which is consequence of the heavy quark spin symmetry.
To explore this possibility, we calculate the coupled channel potential
for charmed 2-baryon system using the HAL QCD method in lattice QCD.
To avoid the discretization error coming from the heavy quark mass, we employ
the Relativistic Heavy Quark (RHQ) action for the charm quark.
The purpose of this talk is to present our latest results and to discuss
the nature of the interaction in the charmed 2-baryon system including
a possibility on the existence of bound or resonance states.
Primary author
Takaya for HAL QCD Collaboration Miyamoto
(Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University)