Physics Beyond the Standard Model
- Benjamin Svetitsky (Tel Aviv University)
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
- Julius Kuti (U.C. San Diego)
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
- Luigi Del Debbio (Edinburgh)
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
- Daniel Nogradi (Eotvos University)
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
- Joel Giedt (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
- Maarten Golterman (San Francisco State University)
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
- Kieran Holland
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
- Axel Maas (University of Graz)
vincent Drach
7/25/16, 2:15 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
We present a non perturbative study of SU(2) gauge theory with two
fundamental Dirac flavours.
This theory provides a minimal template which is ideal for a wide
class of Standard Model extensions featuring novel strong dynamics.
After reviewing our findings for the Goldstone bosons and spin-1
spectrum, we present our new results for the sigma and eta states.
We evaluate the relevant...
Anna Hasenfratz
(University of Colorado)
7/25/16, 2:35 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
We construct a prototype BSM model where the Higgs boson is a pseudo
Nambu-Goldstone boson by combining 4 light (massless) flavors and 8
heavy flavors. In the infrared, the SU(4) chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken , while in the ultraviolet it exhibits the properties of the $N_f=12$ conformal fixed point. The running coupling of this system ``walks" and the energy range of walking can...
Claudio Rebbi
(Boston University)
7/25/16, 2:55 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
We present our results for the spectrum and other observables of an
SU(3) gauge theory with 4 light fermions and 8 fermions of heavier mass,
built on an IR fixed point. Our numerical data validate hyperscaling
and, while our model does not presume to be a complete theory of EW
symmetry breaking, it exhibits many of the features that would be
expected of a realistic theory where the...
Julius Kuti
(U.C. San Diego)
7/25/16, 3:15 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Based on recent analysis of the LatHC collaboration I will review critical features of a minimal composite Higgs model close to the conformal window. Challenging problems of the near-conformal paradigm will be compared with PNGB based partial compositeness.
Georg Bergner
(AEC ITP University of Bern)
7/25/16, 3:35 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
In this work I will summarize our results concerning the spectrum and
mass anomalous dimension of SU(2) gauge theories with a different number
of fermions in the adjoint representation, where each Majorana fermion
corresponds effectively to half a Dirac flavour $N_f$. The most relevant
examples for the extensions of the standard model are supersymmetric
Yang-Mills theory ($N_f=1/2$) and...
Ed Bennett
(Swansea University)
7/25/16, 3:55 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Motivated by tentative signals of new physics at the LHC, which seems to imply the presence of large mass hierarchies, we investigate the theoretical possibility that these could arise dynamically in new strongly-coupled gauge theories extending the standard model of particle physics. To this purpose, we study lattice data on non-Abelian gauge theories in the (near-)conformal...
Tanmoy Bhattacharya
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
7/25/16, 4:45 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
The quark chromo-electric dipole moment operator and the pseudo-scalar fermion bilinear with which it mixes under renormalization can both be included in a calculation of the electromagnetic form factor of the nucleon using the Schwinger source method. A preliminary calculation of these operators using clover quarks on HISQ lattices generated by MILC collaboration will be presented showing...
Yigal Shamir
(Tel Aviv University)
7/25/16, 5:05 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Recent simulations suggest the existence of a very light singlet scalar
in QCD-like theories that may be lying just outside the conformal window.
Assuming that the lightness of this scalar can be explained by an
approximate dilatation symmetry, we develop an effective field theory
framework for both the pions and this light scalar, the "dilatonic meson."
We argue that a power counting...
Maarten Golterman
(San Francisco State University)
7/25/16, 5:25 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
We consider applications of a recently developed effective field theory
for a dilatonic meson and pions. We contrast the leading-order behavior
of masses with that in a theory with only pions, comment on
next-to-leading order, and argue that the effective theory breaks down at
the sill of the conformal window, as it should.
Tugba Buyukbese
(University of Sussex)
7/25/16, 5:45 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Recently, new four-dimensional (gauge-Yukawa) theories have been discovered which
display exact interacting fixed points at highest energies. In a regime where asymptotic
freedom is lost, these novel types of theories develop an asymptotically safe UV fixed
point, strictly controlled by perturbation theory. In this talk, we extend these studies to include couplings with non-vanishing...
Andrew Bond
(University of Sussex)
7/25/16, 6:05 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
We will discuss some of the recent developments in understanding ultraviolet completions of gauge-Yukawa theories beyond traditional asymptotic freedom.
David Y.-J. Chu
(Department of Electrophysics, National Chaio Tung University)
7/25/16, 6:25 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
We study the scaling property of Higgs-Yukawa models. Using the technique of Finite-Size Scaling, we are able to derive formulae to describe the behaviour of the observables near the Gaussian fixed point. The renormalisation procedure is discussed in this talk. A feasibility study of our strategy is performed for pure scalar theory. In addition, we test the formulae with lattice data...
Daniel Nogradi
(Eotvos University)
7/26/16, 2:00 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Numerical results are reported on the discrete $\beta$-function of $SU(3)$ gauge theory with $N_f=12$ fundamental fermions in the gradient flow scheme. Controlled continuum extrapolation is performed for $s=2\;$ scale change with $c = \sqrt{8t} / L = 0.2$ targeting 3 tuned values of the renormalized coupling, approximately $g^2=6.0,\; 6.2\;$ and $\;6.4$. Contrary to a previous claim, no...
George Fleming
(Yale University)
7/26/16, 2:20 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
The LSD Collaboration has recently completed a study of the light hadron spectrum in SU(3) gauge theory with eight light, degenerate flavors. We have observed that the lightest isosinglet scalar meson, also called the sigma, remains essentially degenerate with the pions even when the (pi,sigma) multiplet mass scale falls below half the rho meson mass as a function of the input quark mass. ...
Andrew Gasbarro
(Yale University)
7/26/16, 2:40 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
In recent years, lattice studies of multi-flavor gauge theories near and inside the conformal window have provided strong evidence for the existence of light 0++ states in their spectra, which has led to a renewed interest in strong dynamics as a solution to the Higgs hierarchy problem. An additional requirement to realize a UV complete composite Higgs sector is that observables of low energy...
Yasumichi Aoki
7/26/16, 3:00 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Flavor singlet pseudoscalar and scalar mesons are importat objects for both SM-QCD and technicolor models. The study utilizes the handle of the number of flavors in the many-flavor QCD simulations, which has been performed by LatKMI collaboration. Through this, implications to both SM-QCD and technicolor, which could help understand the dynamics of flavor singlet sector, are anticipated. We...
Ting-Wai Chiu
(National Taiwan University)
7/26/16, 3:20 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
I present the updated results of the discrete $\beta$-function of the $SU(3)$ gauge theory with $N_f=10$ massless optimal domain-wall fermions in the fundamental representation.
The renormalized coupling is obtained by the finite-volume gradient flow scheme on $ L^4 $ lattices, for seven lattice sizes: $ L/a = 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 32 $;
and each with $11 - 17$ different lattice spacings...
chik him Wong
(University of Wuppertal)
7/26/16, 3:40 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
We will present results on important spectroscopy problems of the sextet composite Higgs model selected from the light scalar spectrum, vector resonances, the eta’ particle of the axial anomaly, and spectroscopy analysis using a mixed action with restored chiral symmetry of valence fermions.
Syo Kamata
(Keio University)
7/26/16, 4:30 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
We investigate the two-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=(2,2)$ supersymmetric
Yang-Mills (SYM) theory on the discretized curved space both from theoretical and numerical points of view.
We first show that the number of the supersymmetry of the continuum $\mathcal{N}=(2,2)$ SYM theory on any curved manifold is enhanced to two by considering an appropriate $U(1)$ gauge backgrounds associated with...
Joel Giedt
(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
7/26/16, 4:50 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Formulations of lattice supersymmetry over the last decade have been able to significantly reduce the amount of fine-tuning necessary in order to obtain the correct continuum limit. In the case of N=4 super Yang-Mills, the approach that has emerged as the best path forward is based on a topological twisting of the theory. Montonen and Olive found evidence that a duality could exist in...
David Schaich
(Syracuse University)
7/26/16, 5:10 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
I will present results from numerical studies of maximally supersymmetric Yang--Mills theory, focusing on the scaling dimension of the Konishi operator. Working with a lattice formulation that exactly preserves one supersymmetry at non-zero lattice spacing, we employ an improved action developed in 2015 that dramatically reduces lattice artifacts. Using this new improved action we are...
Daniel August
(Friedrich Schiller University Jena)
7/26/16, 5:30 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Albeit the standard model is the most successful model of particles physics, it still has some theoretical shortcomings, for instance the hierarchy problem, the absence of dark matter, etc. . Supersymmetric extensions of the standard model could be a possible solution to these problems.
One of the building blocks of these supersymmetric models are supersymmetric gauge theories. It is...
Anosh Joseph
(University of Cambridge)
7/26/16, 5:50 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in five dimensions has generated a lot of interest in the recent years. It takes part in the gauge-gravity duality and its finite temperature properties have been investigated recently in the planar limit. This theory is also interesting through its conjectured relationship to the six-dimensional (2,0) theory, which is still controversial. In this...
pietro giudice
(University of Muenster)
7/26/16, 6:10 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
We report on our recent results regarding numerical simulations of the four dimensional, N=1 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with SU(3) gauge symmetry and light dynamical gluinos.
amarjit soni
7/27/16, 11:30 AM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
We investigate the possibility that the dark matter candidate is from a pure non-abelian gauge theory of the hidden sector, motivated in large part by its elegance and simplicity. The dark matter is the lightest bound state made of the confined gauge fields, the hidden glueball. We point out this simple setup is capable of providing rich and novel phenomena in the dark sector, especially in...
Randy Lewis
(York University)
7/27/16, 11:50 AM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
SU(2) gauge theory with a single fermion in the fundamental representation is a minimal non-Abelian candidate for the dark sector. Having only a single flavor provides a natural mechanism for stabilizing dark matter on cosmological timescales. Preliminary lattice results will be presented and discussed in the context of dark matter phenomenology.
Luigi Del Debbio
7/28/16, 2:00 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
We study the phenomenology of a specific model of strongly interacting dynamics beyond the Standard Model, and derive the current bounds on the low-energy constants that describe the large-distance behaviour of the model.
We deduce from these bounds the required accuracy for lattice simulations to have an impact on searches for new physics beyond the Standard Model.
Marco Garofalo
(University of Edinburgh)
7/28/16, 2:20 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
We consider a field theoretical model where a SU(2) doublet fermion, subjected to non-abelian gauge interactions, is also coupled to a complex scalar field doublet via a Yukawa and an irrelevant Wilson-like term. Despite the presence of these two chiral breaking operators in the Lagrangian, an exact symmetry acting on fermions and scalars prevents perturbative mass corrections. In the phase...
Maurizio Alberti
(University of Wuppertal)
7/28/16, 2:40 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
We report on the progress in the study of a five-dimensional SU(2) Gauge-Higgs Unification model.
In the non-perturbative study, the Higgs mechanism is triggered by the spontaneous breaking of a
global symmetry. In the same region of the phase diagram, we observe both dimensional reduction
and the ratio of Higgs and Z boson masses to take the value known from experiment.
We present the...
Axel Maas
(University of Graz)
7/28/16, 3:00 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
The spectacular success of perturbation theory in electroweak physics hinges on the validity of the Froehlich-Morchio-Strocchi mechanism. This mechanism allows the determination of the spectrum of physical, gauge-invariant states using perturbation theory if a Brout-Englert-Higgs effect is present. For this mechanism to work two preconditions have to be met. One is the structural requirement...
Pascal Toerek
(University of Graz)
7/28/16, 3:20 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
The description of electroweak physics using perturbation theory is highly successful. Though not obvious, this is due to a subtle field-theoretical effect, the Fröhlich-Morchio-Strocchi mechanism, which links the physical spectrum to that of the elementary particles. This works because of the special structure of the standard model, and it is not a priori clear whether it works for...
Tadeusz Janowski
7/28/16, 4:30 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
SU(2) gauge theories with two quark flavours in the fundamental
representation are among the most promising theories of composite dynamics
describing the electroweak sector. Three out of five Goldstone bosons in
these models become the longitudinal components of the W and Z bosons giving
them mass. Like in QCD we expect a spectrum of excitations which appear as
resonances in vector boson...
Viljami Leino
(University of Helsinki)
7/28/16, 4:50 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
We present preliminary results of the gradient flow running coupling in SU(2) gauge theory with 6 massless fundamental representation fermion flavours. We use the Schrödinger functional boundary conditions, which allows us to also measure the mass anomalous dimension. Our results, using the HEX-smeared Wilson-clover action, are consistent with perturbative running on the weak coupling region...
Benjamin Svetitsky
(Tel Aviv University)
7/28/16, 5:10 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
The SU(4) gauge theory with two flavors of Dirac fermions in the sextet representation shares features of a candidate for a composite Higgs model. The analogue of the Higgs multiplet of the Standard Model lives in the Goldstone manifold resulting from spontaneous breaking of the global symmetry SU(4) to SO(4). The Higgs potential arises from interaction with the particles of the Standard...
Towards Partial Compositeness on the Lattice: Baryons with Fermions in Multiple Representations
William Jay
(University of Colorado Boulder)
7/28/16, 5:30 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
We describe our recent lattice study of SU(4) gauge theory with dynamical
Wilson-clover fermions in the fundamental and sextet representations. In
this theory, a unique type of baryon consists of quarks in both
representations. The spectrum of these "chimera baryons" turns out to have
enlightening interpretations in terms of large-N expansion and the
non-relativistic quark model. We also...
Jarno Rantaharju
7/28/16, 5:50 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Four fermion interactions appear in many models of Beyond Standard Model physics. In composite Higgs models Standard Model fermion masses can be generated by four fermion terms. They are also expected to modify the dynamics of the new strongly interacting sector. In particular in technicolour models it has been suggested that they can be used to break infrared conformality and produce a...
Martin Hansen
(CP3-Origins, University of Southern Denmark)
7/28/16, 6:10 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
We present new results from our ongoing study of the SU(3) "sextet model" with two flavors in the 2-index symmetric representation of the gauge group. The simulations use unimproved Wilson fermions and to address the issue of whether or not the model is inside the conformal window, we measure the meson and baryon spectrum. To better understand the overall behavior of the lattice model we map...
Valentina Forini
(Humboldt University Berlin)
7/29/16, 5:30 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
String sigma-models relevant in AdS/CFT are highly non-trivial two-dimensional field theories whose perturbative analysis is being crucially used to verify various conjectures, among which their integrability. I will discuss significant progress on how to address the extraction of information at finite values of the string effective tension via the use of lattice-based methods.
Evan Berkowitz
7/29/16, 5:50 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Gauge/gravity duality is the conjecture that string theories have dual descriptions as gauge theories.
Weakly-coupled gravity is dual to strongly-coupled gauge theories, ideal for lattice calculations.
I will show precision lattice calculations that confirm large-N continuum D0-brane quantum mechanics correctly reproduces the leading-order supergravity prediction for a black hole's internal...