Sep 24 – 25, 2015
Imperial College
Europe/London timezone
Vidyo Connection: PIN: 12508

Participant List

100 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Aidan Robson University of Glasgow
Ajit Kurup Imperial College London
Akram Khan Brunel University London
Alan Barr University of Oxfprd
Alessandro Thea Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Alfons Weber STFC/RAL and University of Oxford
Andreas Korn University College London (GB)
Andy Parker Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge
Anne Green University of Nottingham
Anthony Affolder University of Liverpool
Anthony Davenport STFC
Armin Reichold Oxford University
Bjoern Penning Imperial College
Chris Parkes University of Manchester (GB)
Christine Davies University of Glasgow
Christopher Lester University of Cambridge
Claire Shepherd-Themistocleous RAL
Costas Andreopoulos University of Liverpool and STFC/RAL
Craig Buttar University of Glasgow
Cristina Lazzeroni University of Birmingham
Dan Tovey Universiy of Sheffield
Daniel Muenstermann Lancaster University
Daniel Traynor Queen Mary University of london
Daniela Bortoletto University of Oxford (GB)
Dave Charlton Birmingham
David Britton University of Glasgow
David Cockerill Rutherford
David Colling Imperial College London
David Newbold University of Bristol
David Wark STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
David Waters UCL
David G. Cerdeno IPPP, Durham University
Davide Costanzo University of Sheffield
Elliot Leader Imperial College
Fergus Wilson RAL
Francesca Di Lodovico QMUL
Gareth Jones Imperial College London
Glen Cowan Royal Holloway, University of London
Graeme Burt Lancaster University
Grahame Blair STFC
Greig Cowan University of Edinburgh
Hans Kraus Oxford
Helen O'Keeffe Lancaster University
Henrique Araujo Imperial College London
Ian Shipsey Oxford
Ibles Olcina Imperial College London
Jack Dunger Oxford University
Jane Long STFC
Jenny Hiscock STFC
Jens Dopke RAL
Jocelyn Monroe Royal Holloway University of London
Joel Goldstein University of Bristol
John Quenby Imperial College
Jon Butterworth UCL
Jonas Rademacker University of Bristol (GB)
Joost Vossebeld University of Liverpool
Julia Sedgbeer Imperial College
Kristian Harder RAL
Laura Segui University of Oxford
Mark Lancaster UCL
Mark Thomson University of Cambridge
Matthew Tilley Imperial College
Max Klein Liverpool University
Melissa Uchida Imperial College London
Mitesh Patel Imperial College London
Morgan Wascko Imperial College London
Neil Geddes STFC
Neville Harnew University of Oxford
Nikos Konstantinidis University College London
Norman McCubbin RAL/STFC
Oliver Buchmueller Imperial College London
Oliver Lantwin Imperial College London
Patrick Dunne Imperial College London
Paul Harrison U. Warwick
Paul Newman Biringham
Pedro Teixeira-Dias RHUL - Royal Holloway, University of London
peter clarke edinburgh
Peter Dornan Imperial College
Peter Kalmus QMUL
Philip Burrows Oxford University
Philip Harris University of Sussex
Robert Thorne University College London
Roxanne Guenette Oxford
Ruben Saakyan UCL
Sarah Verth STFC
Stefan Soldner-Rembold Manchester
Stephen Haywood RAL
Steven Worm RAL
Teppei Katori Queen Mary University of London
Themis Bowcock University of Liverpool
Tim Gershon University of Warwick
Ulrik Egede Imperial College London
Uta Klein University of Liverpool
Val Gibson Cambridge
Valentin Khoze IPPP, Durham University
Victoria Martin University of Edinburgh
Yorck Ramachers University of Warwick
Yoshi Uchida Imperial College London