14–15 Jan 2016
Durham University
Europe/London timezone

Baby Skyrmions in AdS

14 Jan 2016, 15:45
CM107 (Department of Mathematical Sciences)


Department of Mathematical Sciences


Mr Matthew Elliot-Ripley (Durham University)


Studies in holographic contexts, such as holographic QCD and holographic superconductors, have motivated the investigation of solitons in AdS and AdS-like spacetimes. In this talk we will investigate the baby Skyrme model in a pure AdS background without a pion mass term, and numerically find soliton and multi-soliton solutions. We find that ring-like structures appear to be energetically favourable, and we construct a point-particle approximation to predict the energy-minimising configurations at higher topological charges.

Primary author

Mr Matthew Elliot-Ripley (Durham University)

Presentation materials