14–15 Jan 2016
Durham University
Europe/London timezone

A smörgåsbord of flavour in GUTs

15 Jan 2016, 12:00
CM101 (Department of Mathematical Sciences)


Department of Mathematical Sciences


Mr Fredrik Björkeroth (University of Southampton)


There are many open questions in high energy physics today, ranging from the origin of neutrino mass to the strong CP problem. In particular, there is no current frontrunner for a theory which explains the flavour mixing and mass hierarchies within the SM, though some of the most complete and realistic attempts are found among Flavour GUTs. I will review two such models, based on SU(5) and SO(10) with discrete flavour symmetries, and show how they may simultaneously resolve several open questions related to flavour, gauge coupling unification, and cosmology.

Primary author

Mr Fredrik Björkeroth (University of Southampton)

Presentation materials