14–15 Jan 2016
Durham University
Europe/London timezone

Engineering F-Theory GUTs

14 Jan 2016, 17:05
CM107 (Department of Mathematical Sciences)


Department of Mathematical Sciences


Mr Johar Ashfaque (University of Liverpool)


Attempts have been made at constructing D-brane GUT models which suffer from a number of difficulties like the lack of spinor representation for the SO(10) or the perturbative vanishing of the top quark Yukawa couplings for the SU(5) models. In fact, these difficulties arose as the past constructions relied heavily on local 7-branes. Such obstacles can be avoided by considering mutually non-local 7-branes. This enlarged class of models goes under the name of F-theory. F-theory encodes the physics of 7-branes in higher-dimensional geometry. Moreover, in certain limits F-theory is dual to the heterotic E8xE8 and M-theory. As a matter of fact, one of the most convenient ways to think about F-theory is via the duality with M-theory. This method is used to construct global F-theory GUTs. The aim of the talk will be to introduce some of the key ideas in engineering F-theory GUTs. We will look at some aspects of the SU(5) (extensive work has been done in this case) and the SO(10) GUT like matter curves and Yukawa points. To conclude, GUT breaking methods will be discussed briefly and work in progress will be mentioned.

Primary author

Mr Johar Ashfaque (University of Liverpool)

Presentation materials