14–15 Jan 2016
Durham University
Europe/London timezone

Supergravity Couplings from CFT Correlation Functions

14 Jan 2016, 15:20
CM107 (Department of Mathematical Sciences)


Department of Mathematical Sciences


Mr Stanislav Schmidt (University of Southampton)


The gauge/gravity correspondence offers a unique tool for understanding strongly coupled quantum field theories and quantum gravity, which made it one of the leading research fields in theoretical physics in the last 15 years. Over the years the correspondence has been refined and many lessons have been learned. However, with the complexity of the duality there are still a huge number of questions to answer and conjectures to be tested. We would like to pick up some of these, and try to complete our understanding of the supergravity couplings by inferring knowledge about the field theory on the other side of the duality. This also provides a way of testing the correspondence itself.

Primary author

Mr Stanislav Schmidt (University of Southampton)

Presentation materials