1–3 Aug 2016
Plymouth University
Europe/London timezone
The 14th International workshop on QCD in extreme conditions, Aug. 1-3 2016

Temperature dependence of shear viscosity in SU(3)-gluodynamics

1 Aug 2016, 14:50
Portland Square (Plymouth University)

Portland Square

Plymouth University

Drake Circus Plymouth, Devon PL4 8AA, UK
Talk Transport properties and probes Monday PM


Dr Victor Braguta (ITEP)


This report is devoted to the study of temperature dependence of shear viscosity in SU(3)-gluodynamics. To calculate shear viscosity we measured the correlation function of the energy-momentum tensor T_{12}T_{12} for a set of temperatures in the region T/T_c \in (0.9, 1.5). The measurements were carried out using multilevel algorithm which considerably improves the accuracy of the data. The results of the calculation allow to determine temperature dependence of the ratio of shear viscosity to the entropy density {\eta}/s.

Primary author

Dr Victor Braguta (ITEP)


Dr Andrey Kotov (ITEP) Mr Nikita Astrakhantsev (ITEP)

Presentation materials