11–12 Jan 2017
Europe/London timezone

Gravitational particle production after Reheating

12 Jan 2017, 12:15
CM107 (Department of Mathematical Science)


Department of Mathematical Science


Mr David Rodriguez Roman (King's College London)


Due to change of space-time during Inflation and Reheating, spectators field present during these epochs are going to be excited. This can be seen as a particle production. I am going to present the production of a field with no coupling to any other field, the only possible way of interaction will be through gravity. Some problems will arise due to the divergences present in this model and I will show how to deal with them and how to obtain the abundance of this particle today. If this is the method to produce the dark matter abundance today, some bounds can be imposed on the mass of Dark matter and the energy scale of Inflation and Reheating.

Primary author

Mr David Rodriguez Roman (King's College London)

Presentation materials