11–12 Jan 2017
Europe/London timezone

The Nu Kid on the Block: Sterile Neutrinos at the eV Scale

11 Jan 2017, 16:40
CM101 (Department of Mathematical Science)


Department of Mathematical Science


Mr Matheus Hostert (Durham University)


In this talk we will briefly review our understanding of neutrino oscillations and discuss some of the anomalies at short baseline experiments. These anomalies point towards the existence of a sterile neutrino with a mass at the eV scale and have been the motivation behind many of the efforts in the neutrino community. Some of the motivations and implications of such a sterile are discussed. We will then present our most recent work on NuSTORM, an experimental proposal that looks to search for such steriles in a novel way.

Primary author

Mr Matheus Hostert (Durham University)


Dr Peter Ballett (IPPP, Durham University) Prof. Silvia Pascoli (IPPP, Durham University)

Presentation materials