11–12 Jan 2017
Europe/London timezone

Thermal Conductivity on Curved Manifolds in the Hydrodynamic Limit

11 Jan 2017, 17:05
CM107 (Department of Mathematical Science)


Department of Mathematical Science


Mr Vaios Ziogas (Durham University)


In this talk we are going to study hydrodynamics on curved manifolds, inspired by the holographic prescription for obtaining the thermoelectric DC conductivities of the boundary theory by solving the Navier-Stokes equations on black hole horizons. We place the underlying conformal field theory on curved space and we derive the Navier-Stokes equations after the application of a thermal gradient. We also discuss aspects of the thermal DC and AC conductivities in the hydrodynamic limit.

Primary author

Mr Vaios Ziogas (Durham University)

Presentation materials