28–29 Nov 2017
The Cosener's House
Europe/London timezone

Contribution List

22 / 22
Prof. Keith Ellis (IPPP)
28/11/2017, 10:00
Prof. Joseph Silk (University of Oxford)
28/11/2017, 10:15
Andreas Freise (University of Birmingham)
28/11/2017, 11:00
Prof. Joerg Jaeckel (ITP Heidelberg)
28/11/2017, 11:45
Elisa Chisari (University of Oxford)
28/11/2017, 14:00
Prof. Ed Copeland (University of Nottingham)
28/11/2017, 14:45
Stefan Huber (University of Sussex)
28/11/2017, 15:30
Stefan Soldner-Rembold (University of Manchester)
28/11/2017, 16:45
Delabrouille Jacques (Laboratoire AstroParticule et Cosmologie, Paris)
28/11/2017, 17:30
Andres Olivares-Del-Campo (IPPP Durham)
28/11/2017, 18:20
Tessa Baker (University of Oxford)
29/11/2017, 09:00
Carlos Frenk (Durham University)
29/11/2017, 09:45
Nassim Bozorgnia (IPPP)
29/11/2017, 11:00
Dr Alex Murphy (University of Edinburgh)
29/11/2017, 11:45
Dr Bjoern Penning (University of Bristol)
29/11/2017, 14:00
Ed Hardy (University of Liverpool)
29/11/2017, 14:45
29/11/2017, 15:30