10–12 Jan 2018
Centre for Particle Theory, Durham
Europe/London timezone

Scherk Schwartz twists in GUT models

10 Jan 2018, 15:30
Centre for Particle Theory, Durham

Centre for Particle Theory, Durham

IPPP & Dept. Mathematical Sciences Durham University South Road Durham DH1 3LE


Mr Dumitru Dan Smaranda (University of Glasgow)


The talk will give an overview of orbifold models in 5D and 6D and will revolve around the question of can non-trivial boundary conditions in the compactified dimensions (also known as Scherk-Schwartz twitsts) give a SM like low energy spectrum with a "naturaly" broken SUSY.
What would be the preferred length of your talk? 10 minutes + questions

Primary author

Mr Dumitru Dan Smaranda (University of Glasgow)

Presentation materials