10–12 Jan 2018
Centre for Particle Theory, Durham
Europe/London timezone

Higgs assisted Q-balls from pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons

10 Jan 2018, 15:10
Centre for Particle Theory, Durham

Centre for Particle Theory, Durham

IPPP & Dept. Mathematical Sciences Durham University South Road Durham DH1 3LE


Mr Olivier Lennon (University of Oxford)


Motivated by recent constructions of TeV-scale strongly-coupled dynamics, either associated with the Higgs sector itself as in pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson (pNGB) Higgs models or in theories of asymmetric dark matter, I will discuss work where it was shown that stable solitonic Q-balls can be formed from light pion-like pNGB fields carrying a conserved global quantum number in the presence of the Higgs field. I will focus on the case of thick-wall Q-balls, where solutions satisfying all constraints are shown to exist over a range of parameter values. In the limit that our approximations hold, the Q-balls are weakly bound and parametrically large, and the form of the interactions of the light physical Higgs with the Q-ball is determined by the breaking of scale symmetry.
What would be the preferred length of your talk? 20 minutes + questions

Primary author

Mr Olivier Lennon (University of Oxford)

Presentation materials