Parallel Session 3: SUSY
- Matthew Renwick (Department of Mathematical Sciences - Durham University)
Parallel Session 3: QFT
- Philip Glass (Durham University)
The partial order of partial Higgsings of a gauge theory with 8 supercharges matches the partial order of inclusion of closures of the symplectic leaves that make up its Higgs branch. The Hasse diagram is a graphical depiction of a partial ordering and as such a central tool in studying Moduli spaces of quantum field theories with 8 supercharges. We will use brane constructions in Type II...
I will give an overview of dualities between non-supersymmetric gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions and describe a "gauging" procedure to derive new dualities assuming the validity of a "seed" dual pair. We will mainly demonstrate these ideas through example, focusing on a duality between QED3 and free fermions. If there is any time left I will mention some work in progress in using the gauging...
With the developments of modern measurement techniques we are able to test Physics at a vast range of scales, ranging from collider experiments to single-atom detection. Apart from being Quantum Theories, the description of these systems also share that a clear understanding of the non-equilibrium dynamics is not fully established. Also missing is a clear understanding of how systems...
We study and compare various Zmodels arising from SO(10), focussing in particular on the Abelian subgroup U(1)R × U(1)B−L, broken at the TeV scale to Standard Model hypercharge U(1)Y. The gauge group U(1)R × U(1)B−L, which is equivalent to the U(1)Y × U(1)χ in a different basis, is well motivated from SO(10) breaking and allows neutrino mass via the linear seesaw mechanism. Assuming...
Unlike higher dimensional de Sitter spaces, two dimensional de Sitter space is not simply connected. The behaviour of the fields on making a full rotation of the spatial direction must therefore be specified. Previously, Epstein and Moschella have shown that anti-periodic real scalar fields have no analogue of a Bunch-Davies vacuum state. For complex scalar fields, more general behaviour is...
I will give an overview of some recent progress in capturing aspects of the non-Abelian dynamics of M5-branes through non-Lorentzian worldvolume descriptions.